
  • Personbil / SUV

Hankook iON Nordic ice and Winter i*cept iZ3: New winter tyres for extreme weather conditions

  • New tyres for passenger cars and SUVs, designed specifically for Northern and Eastern Europe
Hankook iON Nordic ice and Winter i*cept iZ3: New winter tyres for extreme weather conditions

Neu-Isenburg, Germany, 30 October 2024 – With the iON Nordic ice and Winter icept iZ3, premium tyre manufacturer Hankook has launched two new winter tyres developed specifically for the harsh winter conditions in Northern and Eastern Europe. Thanks to intelligent tread design and, in the case of the iON Nordic ice, a carefully considered stud pattern, these tyres enable safe driving even on very slushy and snow-covered roads. Both tyres are also available for SUVs.

iON Nordic ice: Studs for maximum grip on ice and snow for electric vehicles

The Hankook iON Nordic ice is designed for hybrid and electric vehicles, offering maximum grip on icy surfaces thanks to the significantly higher number of studs than the competition standard. Hankook combines the average of more than 100 studs per running metre with an optimised stud arrangement on the tread and empty space at the bottom of each stud pin so it can move resulting in especially good performance on ice. In addition, wide lateral tread grooves efficiently channel away snow and slush and ensure that the tyre provides the necessary grip on snow-covered surfaces, even with strong acceleration and heavier vehicle weight.

AI support for optimised stud layout

When it comes to the arrangement of the studs, an AI-supported development process both optimised the grip and audibly reduced the rolling noise of the iON Nordic ice compared to commercially available studded tyres. The V-shaped tread pattern also contributes greatly to this. The uniform distribution of the contact pressure extends the tyre life – a clear customer advantage given the heavier weight of electric vehicles compared to internal combustion engine vehicles. The iON Nordic ice comes in 19- and 20-inch sizes as well as T and H speed indices.

Winter icept iZ3: Innovative tread for short braking distances and outstanding handling

The Hankook Winter icept iZ3 developed specifically for Nordic weather conditions and the Hankook Winter iZ3 X for SUVs offer optimum grip wherever it is not permitted to use tyres with studs. The soft compound used for the tyres remains supple even at double-digit minus temperatures and the many tread grooves and sipes provide outstanding grip on snow and smooth surfaces. Interlocking tread grooves ensure optimum traction, while the V-shaped tread with wide lateral grooves channels away slush and water. Together with the new Winter icept compound, these features ensure swift acceleration and shorter braking distances. Another advantage is the large contact area and optimised curing temperature, extending the tyre’s life by up to 30 per cent compared with conventional winter tyres. Hankook offers the Winter icept iZ3 and iZ3 X in 56 sizes, ranging from 15 to 21 inches.

Hankook tillverkar innovativa och prisbelönta däck av högsta kvalitet inom premiumsegmentet för personbilar, SUV:ar, terrängbilar, lätta lastbilar, husbilar, lastbilar, bussar samt motorsport (tävling på banor och sträckor bantävlingar/rallytävlingar).

Företaget investerar löpande i forskning och utveckling för att alltid kunna erbjuda kunderna högsta kvalitet i kombination med den senaste teknologin. Vid företagets fem utvecklingscentra och åtta fabriker världen över utvecklas och produceras däcklösningar, som är speciellt anpassade för de regionala marknadernas krav och behov. I Europa sker däckutvecklingen för lokala marknader samt leverans av originalutrustning till ledande europeiska fordonstillverkare vid Hankooks teknikcentrum i Hannover, Tyskland. Tillverkning sker bland annat i den toppmoderna Europa-fabriken i Rácalmás, Ungern, som invigdes år 2007 och som byggs ut löpande.

Hankooks Europa- och Tysklands-säte ligger i Neu-Isenburg i närheten av Frankfurt am Main. Tillverkaren har ytterligare filialer i flera europeiska länder och säljer sina produkter genom regionala distributörer på andra lokala marknader. Idag har företaget cirka 20 000 anställda och levererar sina produkter till drygt 160 länder. Företaget har valts ut som teknologisk partner och exklusiv däckleverantör till Generation 3 för FIA ABB Formula E World Championship, med start år 2023. Ledande fordonstillverkare förlitar sig på Hankook som originalutrustningsleverantör av däck. Runt 38 % av den globala omsättningen hänför sig till Europa. Hankook Tire uppmärksammades av Dow Jones Sustainability Korea Index (DJSI) redan år 2011 och har sedan år 2016 representerats i Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World).

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Hankook Tire Europe GmbH | Marketing Communications Europe | Siemensstr. 14, 63263 Neu-Isenburg | Germany

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Hankook iON Nordic ice and Winter i*cept iZ3: New winter tyres for extreme weather conditions

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Hankook iON Nordic ice and Winter i*cept iZ3: New winter tyres for extreme weather conditions

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Hankook iON Nordic ice and Winter i*cept iZ3: New winter tyres for extreme weather conditions

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Christine Silfversparre

Marketing Manager Nordics


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