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Hankook announces Q1 2024 financial results

  • Hankook maintained a strong performance, having grown its sales by 1.1 percent and its operating profit by 108.8 percent year-on-year (YoY)
  • The company is leading the electric vehicle (EV) tyre market and increasing sales of high-value-added products under the leadership of Hankook & Company Group Chairman Hyunbum Cho
  • Strong operating margins reflect external changes, including the stabilisation of global raw material prices and ocean freight costs
Hankook announces Q1 2024 financial results

Seoul, Korea / Neu-Isenburg, Germany, 30 April 2024 Premium tyre manufacturer Hankook announced sales of KRW 2,127.2 billion (approx. EUR 1,474.0m) and an operating profit of KRW 398.7 billion (approx. EUR 276.2m) based on the global consolidated financial results for the first quarter of 2024. Sales increased 1.1 percent year-on-year (YoY), and operating profit increased 108.8 percent.

Despite the global economic downturn and the tensions in the Middle East, Hankook has continued to grow under the leadership of Hankook & Company Group Chairman Hyunbum Cho, who strategically chose to invest in research and development (R&D) in anticipation of the future mobility market. Furthermore, Hankook has yielded success by leading the EV tyre market and expanding sales of high-value products based on its supercar and global premium brand strategy.

Due to the company's early emphasis on developing tyre technology for high-performance premium electric vehicles, Hankook is now at the forefront of the worldwide EV tyre market, dominating the industry even before EVs became widely available. Hankook has continued diversifying its portfolio for the tyre brand iON since its release and is currently selling 202 tyre specifications ranging from 16 to 22 inches. In March 2023, iON outperformed rivals from top-tier brands in a test conducted by TÜV SÜD, a global testing and certification agency.

This year, the company aims to boost the proportion of EV tyres in its passenger car and light truck (PCLT) Original Equipment Tyre (OET) supply to 25 percent. Hankook is now providing OET for electric vehicle models for the Audi e-tron GT, BMW i4, Hyundai Ioniq 6, Porsche Taycan, Tesla Model Y, and Model 3 and Volkswagen ID.4.

In PCLT tyre sales, the proportion of sales of high-inch passenger tyres (18 inches and above) was 46.8 percent, up 3.3 percentage points YoY. By region, the share of high-inch passenger tyres was highest in China (62.5 percent), followed by Korea (56.5 percent), North America (56.4 percent) and Europe (37.4 percent).

As a world-leading tyre company, Hankook has consolidated its global technological competitiveness by fulfilling the tyre performance requirements of high-performance vehicles and global premium brands, currently supplying new tyres for more than 250 models from nearly 40 automakers, including Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and Tesla.

Hankook is also positioning itself as the world’s leading EV tyre technology and premium brand. Since the 2023 season, Hankook has been the exclusive tyre supplier and official technical partner of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, the world’s premier EV racing competition. Also, Hankook is focusing on developing tyre technology and improving the performance of EV tyres by leveraging the data acquired from the competition to improve its product line.

Prices of raw materials such as synthetic rubber and carbon black were maintained at a decent level, as were ocean freight costs, contributing to this quarter’s solid performance.


Q1 2024 Consolidated Financial Result

(Unit: Billion KRW)

Q1 FY 2023

Q4 FY 2023

Q1 FY 2024





Operating Profit




(Unit: Million USD)

Q1 FY 2023

Q4 FY 2023

Q1 FY 2024





Operating Profit




(Unit: Million EUR)

Q1 FY 2023

Q4 FY 2023

Q1 FY 2024





Operating Profit





*Exchange Rates:


Q1 FY 2023

Q4 FY 2023

Q1 FY 2024









(NOTE: Average exchange rates for the given annual period were retrieved from Korea Exchange Bank)

Hankook tillverkar innovativa och prisbelönta däck av högsta kvalitet inom premiumsegmentet för personbilar, SUV:ar, terrängbilar, lätta lastbilar, husbilar, lastbilar, bussar samt motorsport (tävling på banor och sträckor bantävlingar/rallytävlingar).

Företaget investerar löpande i forskning och utveckling för att alltid kunna erbjuda kunderna högsta kvalitet i kombination med den senaste teknologin. Vid företagets fem utvecklingscentra och åtta fabriker världen över utvecklas och produceras däcklösningar, som är speciellt anpassade för de regionala marknadernas krav och behov. I Europa sker däckutvecklingen för lokala marknader samt leverans av originalutrustning till ledande europeiska fordonstillverkare vid Hankooks teknikcentrum i Hannover, Tyskland. Tillverkning sker bland annat i den toppmoderna Europa-fabriken i Rácalmás, Ungern, som invigdes år 2007 och som byggs ut löpande.

Hankooks Europa- och Tysklands-säte ligger i Neu-Isenburg i närheten av Frankfurt am Main. Tillverkaren har ytterligare filialer i flera europeiska länder och säljer sina produkter genom regionala distributörer på andra lokala marknader. Idag har företaget cirka 20 000 anställda och levererar sina produkter till drygt 160 länder. Företaget har valts ut som teknologisk partner och exklusiv däckleverantör till Generation 3 för FIA ABB Formula E World Championship, med start år 2023. Ledande fordonstillverkare förlitar sig på Hankook som originalutrustningsleverantör av däck. Runt 38 % av den globala omsättningen hänför sig till Europa. Hankook Tire uppmärksammades av Dow Jones Sustainability Korea Index (DJSI) redan år 2011 och har sedan år 2016 representerats i Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World).

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Hankook Tire Europe GmbH | Marketing Communications Europe | Siemensstr. 14, 63263 Neu-Isenburg | Germany

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Hankook announces Q1 2024 financial results

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Christine Silfversparre

Marketing Manager Nordics


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