
  • Motorsport

Formula E season opener: the Hankook iON Race masters extreme São Paulo conditions

  • GEN3 Evo iON Race excels in the Brazilian heat
  • The newly developed tyre delivers exceptional performance with reduced rolling resistance and superior heat resistance
Formula E season opener: the Hankook iON Race masters extreme São Paulo conditions

Neu-Isenburg, Germany, 12 December 2024 – Electrifying opener to the 11th season of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship: Mitch Evans (Jaguar TCS Racing) clinched a memorable victory in the opening race of Season 11 at the Anhembi Sambadrome Circuit in São Paulo, fighting his way from last position on the grid to claiming first place.

On the 2.933-kilometre high-speed street circuit, 22 drivers engaged in an exciting race, captivating spectators with exceptional racing prowess. Despite the extreme 42-degree heat and high humidity, the tyres proved their full potential on the demanding street circuit featuring three extended straights, sharp chicanes and 11 bends that demanded a high level of driving skills. In spite of the increased weight of the new GEN3 Evo vehicles compared to their predecessor, the tyres performed impressively and offered a consistently high level of grip throughout the race right up to the flag.

Tyre exceeds expectations

Maximilian Günther (DS PENSKE) commented on the Hankook GEN3 Evo iON Race: “The tyre’s performance exceeded our expectations in these challenging conditions. The consistent level of grip throughout the race, particularly in the technically demanding sections, boosted our confidence to push to the limit. The heat management of this tyre is particularly impressive.”

Young Soo Kim, Vice President of Motorsports Marketing Department at Hankook Tire & Technology, stated: “Season 11 marks another milestone in the Hankook Formula E journey, particularly with our enhanced GEN3 Evo tyre technology. The São Paulo street circuit provides an excellent platform to demonstrate our latest innovations in sustainable racing. We expect this season to demonstrate how our continued technical advancement in Formula E contributes to the evolution of electric motorsport.”

The spectacular opener of Formula E’s 11th season will be followed by the race in Mexico City on 11th January, of which Hankook will be the title sponsor for the first time in the new season. Hankook will also be the title sponsor of the Shanghai E-Prix (double-header race 10 and 11) and the Berlin E-Prix (double-header race 13 and 14).

Hankook produceert wereldwijd innovatieve, prijswinnende high performance radiaalbanden voor het premium segment voor auto's, SUV's, terreinwagens, lichte vrachtwagens, vrachtwagens en bussen evenals voor de autosport (circuit- en straatracen/rally's).

Hankook investeert voortdurend in onderzoek en ontwikkeling om haar klanten steeds de hoogste kwaliteit in combinatie met uitstekende technologie te bieden. In vijf ontwikkelingscentra en acht grote fabrieken wereldwijd ontwikkelt en produceert Hankook bandoplossingen, die specifiek zijn afgestemd op de wensen en eisen van de regionale markten. In Europa vindt de bandontwikkeling voor de lokale markten en eerste montage plaats in overeenstemming met de toonaangevende Europese autofabrikanten in het regionale technisch centrum in Hannover/Duitsland. De banden worden onder andere geproduceerd in de ultramoderne Europese fabriek in Rácalmás/ Hongarije, die in 2007 werd ingewijd en voortdurend uitgebreid wordt.

Het Europese hoofdkwartier van de bandenfabrikant is gevestigd in Neu-Isenburg, Duitsland in de buurt van Frankfurt am Main. De fabrikant heeft meerdere vestigingen in verschillende Europese landen en verkoopt haar producten op andere lokale markten via regionale distributeurs. Wereldwijd biedt Hankook werk aan ongeveer 20.000 mensen en levert haar producten in meer dan 160 landen. Het bedrijf is geselecteerd als de technische partner en exclusieve bandenleverancier van Generatie 3 voor het FIA ABB Formule E Wereldkampioenschap, dat start in 2023. Toonaangevende autofabrikanten vertrouwen bij de eerste montage op banden van Hankook. Ongeveer 38 procent van de wereldwijde omzet van de onderneming is afkomstig uit Europa.

Verdere informatie vindt u via of

Hankook Tire Europe GmbH |  Marketing Communications Europe | Siemensstr. 14, 63263 Neu-Isenburg | Germany

Alle persberichten


Formula E season opener: the Hankook iON Race masters extreme São Paulo conditions

55 HUGHES Jake (gbr), Maserati MSG Racing, Maserati Tipo Folgore, action during the Sao Paulo ePrix, 1st round of the 2024-25 ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, on the São Paulo Street Circuit from December 4 to 7, 2024 in Sao Paulo, Brazil - Photo Julien Delfosse / DPPI

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Formula E season opener: the Hankook iON Race masters extreme São Paulo conditions

São Paulo Street Circuit from December 4 to 7, 2024 in Sao Paulo, Brazil - Photo Julien Delfosse / DPPI

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 +49 (0) 6102 8149-178

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