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  • Auto / SUV

Podium for the Hankook Ventus Prime 4: praise from Swedish car magazine for fuel economy and comfort

  • Leading industry publication Teknikens Värld tests summer and all-season tyres
  • Comparison tests revealed Hankook as the tyre with the best fuel economy thanks to lowest rolling resistance
Podium for the Hankook Ventus Prime 4: praise from Swedish car magazine for fuel economy and comfort

Neu-Isenburg, Germany, 12 July 2023 – Top placing for the Hankook Ventus Prime 4 – the premium comfort tyre has achieved second place in this summer's major tyre test carried out by leading Swedish car magazine Teknikens Värld (World of Technology). The Hankook tyre scored well in the comfort and handling categories and outperformed its competitors above all in the increasingly critical area of fuel economy.

According to the experts’ judgement the Hankook Ventus Prime 4 “is the biggest positive surprise of the test”. The tyre put in an impressive performance due to “its particularly balanced handling, with the results in the elk test (obstacle avoidance manoeuvre) and the stability test standing out a little more. The cherry on top is achieving the lowest score in the rolling resistance test.” 

The Hankook Ventus Prime 4 is consequently the benchmark when it comes to fuel economy: The editors commented, “The Hankook Ventus Prime 4 stands out as the best in class among the ten candidates. In the comparison, which is performed at a static speed of 70 km/h, the test car with the Ventus Prime 4 tyres has the best fuel economy”. The difference between the Ventus Prime 4 and the worst performer is 0.0053 litres per kilometre, which is around 5.3 litres more per 1,000 kilometres driven. Expressed as a percentage, this is 9.5 % more fuel. “That’s a big difference, and a result we were not really expecting,” reported the magazine’s testers.

A top finish in an independent tyre test is nothing new for the Ventus Prime 4. The high-performance tread from premium manufacturer Hankook, which came onto the market in 2022, already has top placings under its belt, such as the highest rating “Exemplary” from Auto Bild, Europe’s biggest car magazine, as well as the highest rating “Good” in the 2023 major joint test by the ADAC and European car clubs and consumer magazines, both among 50 brands. 

The Hankook Ventus Prime 4

These very positive results reflect exactly the ambitions of the design engineers at Hankook, who took this successor to the popular Ventus Prime 3 and made it even better in all relevant points, such as high comfort, low wear and low rolling noise. In particular, the design engineers focused on the handling and rolling resistance properties, which have been further optimised for the new product generation. The Hankook engineers were also able to increase the mileage of the Ventus Prime 4 by a good fifth compared to the predecessor.

Read the full tyre test in Teknikens Värld (issue no. 7/2023).

Hankook, uno dei principali produttori mondiali di pneumatici, fornisce pneumatici radiali premium ad alte prestazioni per automobili, SUV, fuoristrada, trasporto leggero, camper, autocarri e autobus oltre che per competizioni motoristiche (gare su circuito e su strada/rally).

Hankook investe costantemente in ricerca e sviluppo al fine di offrire ai propri clienti la massima qualità, abbinata all'eccellenza tecnologica. In cinque centri di sviluppo e in otto stabilimenti situati in tutto il mondo, l'impresa sviluppa e produce pneumatici atti a soddisfare pienamente le speciali esigenze e richieste dei diversi mercati. In Europa, presso il centro tecnologico Hankook di Hannover (Germania), avviene lo sviluppo degli pneumatici per i mercati locali e il primo equipaggiamento, nel rispetto delle indicazioni delle principali case automobilistiche europee. Gli pneumatici vengono prodotti, tra l'altro, nella modernissima fabbrica europea dell'impresa di Rácalmás (Ungheria), inaugurata nel 2007 ed in continua espansione.

La sede centrale europea e tedesca Hankook si trova a Neu-Isenburg, nei pressi di Francoforte sul Meno. Il produttore gestisce altre filiali in diversi paesi europei e vende i suoi prodotti tramite distributori regionali in altri mercati locali. L'impresa dà lavoro a 20.000 dipendenti in tutto il mondo e fornisce i propri prodotti in oltre 160 paesi. L'azienda è partner tecnico e fornitore esclusivo degli pneumatici della Generazione 3 per il FIA ABB Formula E World Championship dal 2023. Gli pneumatici Hankook sono utilizzati in primo equipaggiamento dalle principali case automobilistiche internazionali. Circa il 38% del fatturato globale dell'impresa è generato all'interno dell'Europa.

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Hankook Tire Europe GmbH | Marketing Communications Europe | Siemensstr. 14, 63263 Neu-Isenburg | Germany

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Podium for the Hankook Ventus Prime 4: praise from Swedish car magazine for fuel economy and comfort

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Podium for the Hankook Ventus Prime 4: praise from Swedish car magazine for fuel economy and comfort

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