Hankook alla IAA 2017

In linea con il motto di quest'anno della IAA "Future Now", Hankook Tire si concentra sulle ultime tendenze e gli sviluppi del mercato e presenta presso il suo stand le tecnologie del pneumatico di domani.

Oltre alle idee progettuali per i concetti di mobilità del futuro, l'attenzione è rivolta alle innovazioni dei pneumatici di primo equipaggiamento e all'attuale linea di pneumatici invernali.

Questo include la serie di pneumatici invernali ad alte prestazioni eco-compatibili i*cept che è stata ampliata di alcune misure.

Kit stampa IAA 2017 (doc)

Nella cartella stampa troverà le seguenti informazioni:

  • Hankook e i pneumatici di concezione futuristica alla IAA 2017

Pneumatici estivi:

  • Il nuovo Hankook KINERGY ECO²: Hankook ha sviluppato ulteriormente la sua tecnologia per l’assorbimento del rumore “Sound Absorber®”, ottenendo notevoli riduzioni di peso
  • Hankook nel primo equipaggiamento di Audi Sport – l’ammiraglia UHP Ventus S1 evo² anche sulla nuova Audi RS5 oltre che sull’Audi TT RS
  • Hankook fornisce gli pneumatici UHP con l’avanzatissima tecnologia “Sound Absorber®” per la nuova Opel Insignia
  • Hankook Ventus S1 evo²: ha ottenuto “esemplare” nella valutazione al test sui pneumatici estivi condotto da Auto Bild sportscars 2017 così come “consigliabile” da auto motor sport
  • Hankook Ventus S1 evo² SUV: giudicato “esemplare” da AUTO BILD Allrad
  • Hankook Ventus Prime³ pluripremiato nel 2017

Pneumatici invernali per tutte le condizioni atmosferiche:

  • Pneumatici per tutte le stagioni Hankook Kinergy 4S: prestazioni equilibrate 365 giorni all'anno
  • Pneumatici invernali UHP premium di Hankook: guida ottimizzata nella stagione fredda; ora anche con la tecnologia SEALGUARD® Hankook; primo equipaggiamento run-flat sui veicoli premium
  • Winter i*cept RS²: ottimi risultati nei test!

Sport motoristici:

  • Hankook equipaggia un modello racing di BMW Motorsport
  • Nuova generazione di pneumatici da corsa Hankook nella stagione 2017 del DTM

Pneumatici concettuali:

  • Il nuovo e visionario veicolo concept elettrico Volkswagen I.D. Crozz II viaggia su pneumatici Hankook di nuova concezione
  • Hankook Tire presenta i pneumatici di concezione futuristica
  • Guida innovativa con il “Ball Pin Tyre”, girevole a 360°

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Sound Absorber®

Sound Absorber®


sound absorber® Logo

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Sound Absorber®


Hankook further develops silent technology “sound absorber®” by focusing on weight, process optimisation and top speed use.

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Sound Absorber®


Hankook further develops silent technology “sound absorber®” by focusing on weight, process optimisation and top speed use.

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Audi RS5 Coupé

Audi RS5 Coupé


Zandvoort, : Motorsports: DTM race in Zandvoort on August, 20, 2017, Germany: DTM race in Zandvoort, Netherlands (Photo by Hoch Zwei)

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Audi RS5 Coupé


Zandvoort, : Motorsports: DTM race in Zandvoort on August, 20, 2017, Germany: DTM race in Zandvoort, Netherlands (Photo by Hoch Zwei)

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Ball Pin Tyre

Ball Pin Tyre


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Ball Pin Tyre


The “Ball Pin Tyre” is a unique future-oriented tyre capable of moving in a full 360-degree circle, meaning right angle turns and zigzag driving is possible.

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Ball Pin Tyre


To help the “Ball Pin Tyre” achieve the full potential of its futuristic technology, Hankook Tire has installed an advanced gyroscope and a three omni-wheel system to the vehicle.

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Hankook’s latest Kinergy generation - the exceptionally eco-friendly and economical KINERGY ECO² summer tyre was developed with the needs of modern small, compact and mid-range vehicles in mind.


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KINERGY ECO² structure

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Opel Insignia

Opel Insignia


Ventus S1 evo² structure

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Opel Insignia


Ventus S1 evo²

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VW ID Crozz II

VW ID Crozz II


Volkswagen Showcar I.D. CROZZ equipped with Hankook concept tyres.


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VW ID Crozz II


Volkswagen Showcar I.D. CROZZ equipped with Hankook concept tyres.


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VW ID Crozz II


Volkswagen I.D., Volkswagen I.D. BUZZ and the new Volkswagen I.D. CROZZ (from left)


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VW ID Crozz II


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VW ID Crozz II



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VW ID Crozz II



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VW ID Crozz II



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Concept Tyres

Concept Tyres


Wheels and tyres with their own power source that attach and detach according to the weight of the vehicle. It is an autonomous bus concept (Driverless Public Transportation) that has an applied Self-Contained Drone concept.

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Concept Tyres


Futuristic single user mobility which can freely move within complicated cities and access stairs and speed bumps through a principle of divided treads that expand and contract.

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Concept Tyres


The two wheel with flexible suspension structure allows a minimized volume size during standby mode and maximized cornering performance. It is a single user mobility that can move freely through the city with high accessibility, similar to Flexup.

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Concept Tyres


A single user mobility board which uses magnetic field extension and rotation principle. By improving accessibility and portability, it can move freely on pavements and can be used indoors.

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Concept Tyres


The divided treads, with the skating principle provides maximum cornering performance. They are tyre concepts for special vehicles such as police cars in mega cities that are becoming increasingly sophisticated and dense

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