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Hankook subsidiary Model Solution becomes first Korean prototype developer to launch IPO

  • Model Solution, a subsidiary of the premium tyre manufacturer Hankook, began trading on the Korean stock market index KOSDAQ on Friday October 7
  • The prototype provider serves more than 500 global customers, including Google, Amazon, Tesla, Samsung and Hyundai Motors
  • The IPO will secure growth, bolster the brand and expand the business model
  • New sales bases planned in the USA and Germany
Hankook subsidiary Model Solution becomes first Korean prototype developer to launch IPO

Neu-Isenburg, Germany, 18 October 2022 – Model Solution, a subsidiary of the premium tyre maker Hankook & Company Group (formerly Hankook Tire Group), last week became the first Korean prototype company to be listed on the KOSDAQ technology index. Due to strong demand and a favourable outlook for the entire competitive environment, the offering was classed as a blue chip share from the outset. The final issue price of KRW 27,000 (approx. EUR 20) was at the upper end of the announced price range. With the IPO, Model Solution raised approximately KRW 27 billion, or just under EUR 20 million.

Through the IPO, Model Solution plans to secure stable long-term growth and make a quantum leap to the forefront of its industry as an innovative manufacturing company. The company initially plans to develop its own hardware brand. This will include pilot testing of the augmented reality (AR) head mounted display (HMD) prototype developed over the past year, to be followed by the start of series production and the market launch.

Sights set on new customers and business segments

“In order to stay ahead of industry trends, we will continue to expand our business portfolio by employing new business models, and integrating the latest technologies such as augmented reality into our products. We are also preparing to secure customers in new fields such as medical devices, robotics and aerospace,” says Byungil Woo, CEO of Model Solution.

Founded in 1993, Model Solution is a total solution provider that serves all product development stages from design to prototyping, precision computer numerical control (CNC) machining, tooling and moulding, and contract manufacturing for various sectors including electronics, medical devices, consumer goods, robotics and the automotive industry. The company already serves more than 500 customers worldwide, including Google, Amazon, Tesla, Samsung and Hyundai Motors. Since being acquired by Hankook & Company in 2018, Model Solution has shown continuous growth in sales and last year reported sales of KRW 61.1 billion (approx. EUR 44 million). This represents a year-on-year increase of 9.8%. The sales for the first half of this year totalled KRW 32.2 billion (approx. EUR 23 million).

Meanwhile Model Solution has established a new integrated operation centre in the Ojeong Industrial Complex in Bucheon, Korea to further expand its business, increase its presence as a total solution provider and improve its ability to meet the expectations of global customers. In addition, Model Solution established a new Contract Manufacturing Business Division in Bucheon in March to oversee low-to-medium volume production runs. In July it relocated the Tooling & Moulding Division to the new Bucheon centre. In the first quarter of 2023, the company also plans to complete the transfer of the Precision CNC Machining Division. By combining these activities at a central location, the company expects to realise synergies for all divisions.

Model Solution has three business locations and one global sales base. These include the two existing operation facilities for prototype production in Seoul, the integrated operation centre for tooling and moulding and contract manufacturing in Bucheon, and the North American sales base in Silicon Valley. In addition, the company is planning to set up new sales bases in the eastern USA and Germany to expand its global market presence.


Caption image 3 (from second from the left) :    COO of Hankook & Company Jongseon Ahn, CEO of Model Solution Byungil Woo, President & CEO of Hankook Tire & Technology Sooil Lee

Hankook Tire fabrique à l’échelle mondiale des pneumatiques radiaux premium et innovants – dont plusieurs ont été primés – destinés aux véhicules de tourisme, 4X4/SUV, utilitaires, poids lourds, autobus ainsi qu’aux véhicules de sports automobiles (courses sur circuit, circuits urbains, rallyes).

Afin d'offrir à ses clients une qualité optimale associée à l'excellence technologique et au confort de conduite, Hankook investit en permanence dans la recherche et le développement. L'entreprise élabore et produit des solutions de pneumatiques sur mesure, parfaitement adaptées aux exigences et aux demandes des marchés régionaux dans cinq centres de développement internationaux et huit grandes usines. En Europe, le développement des pneumatiques ainsi que la production des équipements de première monte sont effectués dans le Centre technique d'Hankook à Hanovre en Allemagne selon les critères des plus grands constructeurs automobiles européens. Les pneumatiques sont produits au sein de l'usine européenne ultra moderne de Rácalmás en Hongrie, qui a été inaugurée en 2007 et ne cesse d'être agrandie depuis.

Le siège européen du manufacturier de pneumatiques est situé à Neu-Isenburg, près de Francfort-sur-le-Main en Allemagne. Le manufacturier possède des filiales dans plusieurs pays européens et vend ses produits par l'intermédiaire de distributeurs régionaux sur d'autres marchés locaux. Hankook emploie environ 20 000 salariés dans le monde entier et commercialise ses produits dans plus de 160 pays. L’entreprise a été choisie comme partenaire technique et fournisseur exclusif de pneumatiques de la Génération 3 pour le championnat du monde de Formule E de la FIA ABB, à partir de 2023. Pour leurs équipements de première monte, les plus grands constructeurs automobiles font confiance aux pneumatiques fabriqués par Hankook. L'Europe représente environ 38 % du chiffre d'affaires global de l'entreprise.

Pour obtenir plus d’informations, veuillez consulter ou

Hankook Tire Europe GmbH | Marketing Communications Europe | Siemensstr. 14, 63263 Neu-Isenburg | Germany

Tous les communiqués de presse


Hankook subsidiary Model Solution becomes first Korean prototype developer to launch IPO

The prototype provider Model Solution, a subsidiary of the premium tyre manufacturer Hankook, serves more than 500 global customers, including Google, Amazon, Tesla, Samsung and Hyundai Motors.

File size: 1 Mo

Hankook subsidiary Model Solution becomes first Korean prototype developer to launch IPO

Model Solution, a subsidiary of the premium tyre manufacturer Hankook, began trading on the Korean stock market index KOSDAQ on Friday October 7, 2022.

File size: 5 Mo

Hankook subsidiary Model Solution becomes first Korean prototype developer to launch IPO

From second from the left: COO of Hankook & Company Jongseon Ahn, CEO of Model Solution Byungil Woo, President & CEO of Hankook Tire & Technology Sooil Lee

File size: 12 Mo

Contact presse

Sabine Riedel

PR Manager Marketing Communications

 +49 (0) 6102 8149-178

Lisa Schmid

PR Manager Marketing Communications

+49 (0) 6102 8149-172

Julia-Larissa Büsch

PR Manager Marketing Communications

 +49 (0) 160 2545279

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