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The 2025 WRC Season Powered by Hankook Kicks Off with “Rallye Monte Carlo”

  • From January 23-26, 18 special stages spanning Monaco and France to ignite ultimate driving challenges
  • Top-tier rally tyres, optimised for snow, dry, and damp surfaces are poised to deliver unmatched performance
  • An intense 11-month competition across Europe, Africa, South America and Asia, featuring fierce battles in 16 countries
The 2025 WRC Season Powered by Hankook Kicks Off with “Rallye Monte Carlo”

Neu-Isenburg, Germany, 22 January 2025 – Premium tyre manufacturer Hankook will exclusively supply rally tyres for the opening round of the 2025 FIA World Rally Championship (WRC), one of the world’s premier motorsport events organised by the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA). The "Rallye Monte Carlo" is scheduled to take place from January 23-26, spanning Monaco and France.

Starting this season, Hankook will serve as the exclusive supplier of rally tyres for all WRC classes over the next three years. Since 2023, the company has worked closely with manufacturers to support the WRC, continuously innovating and delivering FIA-certified high-performance rally tyres. These tyres are meticulously engineered to deliver exceptional performance, even under the most extreme driving conditions.

The opening round, "Rallye Monte Carlo", is renowned for its challenging mountainous terrain and unpredictable weather, making it one of the most challenging courses in the WRC. Drivers must navigate rapidly changing road conditions, including snow and dry surfaces, where strategic decision-making, driving performance, and tyre durability are crucial in determining the outcome of the race. This year’s event spans Monaco and France, covering a total of 343 km across 18 special stages each completed in a single pass with times accumulated for the final result.

For the season opener, Hankook will showcase its high-performance rally tyres, optimised for the demanding conditions of tarmac, and snow. The Ventus Z215, designed for tarmac rallies, delivers exceptional cornering and handling performance in dry surfaces. Meanwhile, the Ventus Z210 excels in providing superior grip and drainage, particularly in damp conditions and adverse weather, ensuring drivers can push their limits and achieve peak racing performance.

Additionally, Hankook’s snow and ice rally tyre, Winter i*cept SR20 is designed to deliver outstanding traction and balanced racing performance on snow-covered roads during winter rallies. Through such innovation, Hankook aims to showcase its world-class technological expertise to motorsport fans around the globe.

During the 2025 WRC season, Hankook plans to maximise the premium value of its global integrated brand, "Hankook", by prominently displaying its official sponsor logo at the service park, special stages, on race vehicles, podium caps, and on the front of the uniform. In addition, the company will expand its engagement with global motorsport fans by leveraging its official motorsport website and operating various social media platforms to enhance communication and interaction with its audience.

The WRC is one of the world’s top three motorsport competitions alongside Formula 1, featuring races on a diverse range of extreme surfaces from tarmac to gravel and snow across global locations. The 2025 WRC season will kick off with the Rallye Monte Carlo in Monaco, followed by a fierce 13-round battle spanning 16 countries across Europe, Africa, South America, and Asia.

Hankook tuottaa maailmanlaajuisesti huippulaadukkaita, innovatiivisia ja erittäin suorituskykyisiä renkaita henkilöautoihin, SUV-autoihin, maastoautoihin, pakettiautoihin, matkailuautoihin, kuorma-autoihin, busseihin ja autourheiluun (ratakilpailuihin/katukilpailuihin/ralleihin).

Hankook investoi jatkuvasti tutkimukseen ja tuotekehitykseen tarjotakseen asiakkailleen aina korkeinta laatua ja pitkälle kehitettyä huipputekniikkaa. Yritys kehittää ja tuottaa maailmanlaajuisesti viidessä kehityskeskuksessaan ja kahdeksassa tehtaassaan renkaita, jotka on räätälöity alueellisten markkinoiden vaatimusten ja tarpeiden mukaisiksi. Euroopassa renkaat kehitetään paikallisille markkinoille ja alkuperäisrenkaiksi johtavien eurooppalaisten autonvalmistajien määritysten mukaisesti Hankookin tuotekehityskeskuksessa, joka sijaitsee Hannoverissa, Saksassa. Renkaat valmistetaan enimmäkseen yrityksen huippunykyaikaisessa Euroopan tehtaassa Rácalmásissa, Unkarissa. Se vihittiin käyttöön vuonna 2007 ja sitä laajennetaan jatkuvasti.

Hankookin Euroopan ja samalla Saksan pääkonttori sijaitsee Neu-Isenburgissa lähellä Frankfurt am Mainia. Valmistajalla on tytäryhtiöitä useissa Euroopan maissa, ja se myy tuotteitaan alueellisten jälleenmyyjien kautta muilla paikallisilla markkinoilla. Yritys työllistää maailmanlaajuisesti 20  000  ihmistä ja toimittaa tuotteitaan yli 160 maahan. Yhtiö on valittu FIA ABB Formula E World Championship -luokan Generation 3 ‑autojen teknologiakumppaniksi ja yksinoikeudella toimivaksi rengastoimittajaksi vuodesta 2023 alkaen. Johtavat autonvalmistajat luottavat Hankookin renkaisiin alkuperäisrenkaina. Yrityksen liikevaihdosta noin 38 % syntyy Euroopassa.

Lisätietoja osoitteessa: www.hankooktire-mediacenter.com tai www.hankooktire.com

Hankook Tire Europe GmbH | Marketing Communications Europe | Siemensstr. 14, 63263 Neu-Isenburg | Germany


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The 2025 WRC Season Powered by Hankook Kicks Off with “Rallye Monte Carlo”

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The 2025 WRC Season Powered by Hankook Kicks Off with “Rallye Monte Carlo”

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The 2025 WRC Season Powered by Hankook Kicks Off with “Rallye Monte Carlo”

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Christine Silfversparre

Marketing Manager Nordics


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