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  • Motorsport

The road to professional motor racing on Hankook tyres – Newcomer Fabian Vettel starts in the Audi Sport TT Cup

The Audi Sport TT Cup is at the Norisring this weekend as part of the DTM programme. The only street circuit in Germany is the third venue of the season for the 16 drivers from eleven nations, whose average age is just 18.7 years. Premium tyre maker Hankook has supplied the junior racing series with the Ventus Race tyre since the series was launched in 2015. With its wealth of grip and a high level of consistency, the race tyre offers the young drivers the perfect support as they take their first steps in professional motorsport.
The road to professional motor racing on Hankook tyres – Newcomer Fabian Vettel starts in the Audi Sport TT Cup

Nuremberg/Germany, 2nd July 2017 – One of the rookies in this year’s Audi Sport TT Cup is Fabian Vettel, younger brother of four-time Formula 1 world champion Sebastian Vettel. Unlike many of his fellow drivers, who have spent the majority of their youth on the karting circuit, the 18-year-old has very limited motorsport experience. “I have tried many things, from football to karting, but only every as a hobby,” explains Fabian Vettel.

When he heard of the Audi Sport TT Cup one year ago, he decided to try his luck on the motor racing scene. At the wheel of a rusty Polo GTI, he practiced on a make-shift circuit around dustbins in a car park at the Hockenheimring, before applying for a place in the junior series. Fabian Vettel: “I was invited to the trial, and found it far tougher at first than I thought it would be. However, the more I drove, the better it got. I was also given great support from Audi, and ultimately made it into the starting field for this season.”

After a few teething problems, the young driver has recorded multiple top-ten finishes and is improving all the time. “I am getting along superbly with the Hankook race tyre. However, I must admit that I don’t have much to compare it with,” said the 18-year-old, who is getting faster with every race.

Fabian Vettel does not wish to put himself under too much pressure, but is instead focussing on learning as much as possible in his rookie year in the Audi Sport TT Cup. “A lot has been new to me – not just in and on the car, but also when it came to dealing with media and sponsors. I had to get used to all that. I obviously want to be challenging at the front of the field, and winning, but it is not the end of the world if that is not the case,” he says.

His famous brother Sebastian offers him the odd piece of valuable advice: “You cannot ask for more experience to call upon.” However, Fabian is keen to forge his own path and to avoid living his life in the shadow of his brother. “Sebastian is doing his thing, I am taking care of my business. It would be nice to become a professional racing driver like him. However, there are a lot of young people who want to become professional footballers, but only a handful who actually make it. That is why I am also doing my school exams, to ensure I have a plan B should it not work out in motor racing,” says Vettel.

Like many 18-year-olds, he has his dreams. “If I were actually able to make it in motorsport, my dream would be a seat in the DTM.”

Společnost Hankook Tire je globální výrobce inovativních a oceňovaných radiálních pneumatik v prémiovém segmentu, určených pro osobní vozidla a vozidla typu SUV, terénní vozidla, lehká užitková vozidla, nákladní vozy a autobusy a závodní vozidla (závody na okruhu/silniční okruhy/rallye).

Společnost Hankook neustále investuje do výzkumu a vývoje s cílem poskytovat zákazníkům produkty nejlepší možné kvality, které díky nejmodernějším technologiím zajistí mimořádné uspokojení z jízdy. Proto po celém světě provozuje pět vývojových center a produkci zajišťuje v osmi velkých výrobních závodech. Specifické požadavky kladené na pneumatiky uživateli i výrobci automobilů v Evropě při vývoji zohledňuje Technické centrum v Hannoveru, v Německu. Výroba pneumatik pak probíhá ve vysoce moderním výrobním závodu v Rácalmási, v Maďarsku, který byl uveden do provozu v roce 2007 a jehož výrobní kapacity se nadále rozšiřují.

Evropské hlavní sídlo výrobce se nachází v Německu, v Neu-Isenburgu poblíž Frankfurtu nad Mohanem. Výrobce provozuje další pobočky v několika evropských zemích a své produkty prodává prostřednictvím regionálních distributorů na dalších lokálních trzích. Společnost má po celém světě přibližně 20 000 zaměstnanců a své produkty dodává do více než 160 zemí. Společnost byla od roku 2023 vybrána jako technický partner a výhradní dodavatel pneumatik 3. generace pro mistrovství světa FIA ABB Formule E. Špičkoví výrobci automobilů vyjadřují používáním pneumatik Hankook na svých nových vozidlech tomuto výrobci plnou důvěru. Přibližně 38 procent globálního obratu společnost vykazuje ve státech Evropy.


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Hankook Tire Europe GmbH | Marketing Communications Europe | Siemensstr. 14, 63263 Neu-Isenburg | Germany

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The road to professional motor racing on Hankook tyres – Newcomer Fabian Vettel starts in the Audi Sport TT Cup

Audi Sport TT Cup 2017

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The road to professional motor racing on Hankook tyres – Newcomer Fabian Vettel starts in the Audi Sport TT Cup

Audi TT cup #55 Fabian Vettel

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The road to professional motor racing on Hankook tyres – Newcomer Fabian Vettel starts in the Audi Sport TT Cup

Audi TT cup #55 Fabian Vettel

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The road to professional motor racing on Hankook tyres – Newcomer Fabian Vettel starts in the Audi Sport TT Cup

Fabian Vettel

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The road to professional motor racing on Hankook tyres – Newcomer Fabian Vettel starts in the Audi Sport TT Cup

Fabian Vettel

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The road to professional motor racing on Hankook tyres – Newcomer Fabian Vettel starts in the Audi Sport TT Cup

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The road to professional motor racing on Hankook tyres – Newcomer Fabian Vettel starts in the Audi Sport TT Cup

Audi TT cup #55 Fabian Vettel

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 +49 (0) 6102 8149-178

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Odběr tiskových zpráv Hankook